Empowering Wholeness in Christ, Spirit, Soul, and Body

Dr. Teneka G. Miles empowers inner healing and freedom, guiding clients through deep soul work to discover their true identity, purpose, and wholeness in Christ.

Helping clients connect deeper with God to gain authority and master mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.


I’m Dr. Miles!

I am here to help you discover TRUE FREEDOM in CHRIST. 

As a Christ follower who is also a counseling practitioner, I understand healing is embodied on all dimensions of existence (spirit, soul, and body). It is my desire to educate, enlighten, and empower you to experience the inner healing and freedom Christ died for you to experience here on earth. Today can be the beginning of a new journey and I am honored to partner with you! 

Georgia, LCSW (005469)

Doctorate of Education in Counseling

Certified Clinical Trauma Professional
Board Certified Telemental Health

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My goal is your FREEDOM!

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Supportive Care Areas

  • Intrapersonal Conflict

    Intrapersonal conflict is a type of disagreement that occurs within an individual, involving their thoughts, emotions, ideas, values, and predispositions. It can arise when someone is struggling with what they want to do versus what they should do. Treating intrapersonal conflict involves resolving the inner struggle between conflicting values, desires, or beliefs.

  • Stress & Anxiety

    Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body’s reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. Too much unhealthy stress leads to anxiety. When a person regularly feels disproportionate levels of anxiety, it might become a medical disorder. Anxiety disorders form a category of mental health diagnoses that lead to excessive nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worry.

  • Depression

    A mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life. Possible causes include a combination of biological, psychological, and social sources of distress. Increasingly, research suggests these factors may cause changes in brain function, including altered activity of certain neural circuits in the brain.

  • Grief and Loss

    Grief is the natural emotional response to the loss of someone close, such as a family member or friend. Grief can also occur after a serious illness, divorce or other significant loss. Grief often involves intense sadness and feelings of shock and numbness. Treating grief and loss involves a combination of emotional, psychological, and spiritual care.

  • Couples Infidelity

    Infidelity is unfaithfulness in a marriage or relationship. It can severely strain a relationship and the people involved. An affair can leave the other person feeling devastated, alone, betrayed, and confused. Sometimes, an affair ends a relationship. Other times, couples can repair the relationship. We use an array of techniques to support healing from infidelity :

  • Childhoood Trauma

    Childhood trauma can manifest itself within a person in a plethora of ways. Sometimes a person may not even realize that the problems they are dealing with mentally stem from trauma from their childhood. But childhood trauma is fairly common. Because children have sensitive psyches, the damage from said trauma can have everlasting effects on a person. Examples of some of the forms of trauma children can go through are:

    • Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse.
    • Neglect
    • Having parents that struggle with addiction
    • Witnessing family violence
  • Spiritual Transformation

    Real change comes about through inner work, when we “attend to soul” and discover who we are. Only then can we can realize our potential for truth, power, creativity and satisfaction. I have explored deeply the relationship between personal therapy and spiritual growth, because they refer us to our innate capacity for wholeness. I found that they are connected by a middle stage of authenticity that brings our unique, compassionate self into true relationship with other people and the world.

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My Expertise

Trauma, Relationships & Spiritual Transformation

As someone who practiced traditional therapy for over five years and saw little to no change, I desperately needed a solution to help those who were entrusting me to guide them to freedom. Clients were suffering from pains of childhood trauma, relational battles, and damage from spiritual abuse.

After research, prayer, and wise counsel, the blueprint for “Pathways to Wholeness,” was developed. It was founded on Jeremiah 1:8 and addresses barriers to mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It was evident that taking individuals on paths of freedom, inner-healing, and spiritual formation was paramount to seeing them truly made whole. 

This involves the process of uprooting, dismantling, destroying old neural networks from past experiences limiting ones belief in God’s love and power of His Spirit, as well as planting and building a new belief system to receive and walk out their new life in Christ. 


My Framework

Trauma fragments/dis-orders our mind and block us from the awareness that we are one with God (the Creator and Source of our Wholeness). Christ-consciousness is the very embodiment of this awareness. This is not religion but a process of partnering with individuals and couples to bring them to the awareness of their wholeness so they may have an expanded quality of life and experience true freedom. Transformation is done through gaining insight, uprooting, and releasing dysfunctional biopsychosocial, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual patterns developed due to trauma. These patterns (birth out of trauma) held in our conscious and subconscious, when no longer needed for survival, are damaging to self and others. 

Christ-consciousness asserts:

  1. Your identity is rooted in the truth that you are created for a higher/divine purpose: Being concerned and trapped in intra/interpersonal pain blinds and hinders us from being who we are created to be. Our pain is an indicator something is not in alignment with our true-identity and purpose, and something has to change. This is usually the precursor to seeking support.
  2. You are safe, stable, and secure possessing all the necessary relational essentials to achieve your purpose: A sense of being whole is stripped away when our primal needs to be/feel safe, stable, and secure are not present in relationships. Being present, not avoiding, but inviting the wisdom of Christ in the space where you feel a sense of fight or flight is key. The goal is to evolve through the pain, not escape it. This is the therapeutic and soul work that is done in session.
  3. Your greatest work on this earth is to surrender to and be in service to God: Surrender is our highest calling. Our healing is only possible through surrendering our patterns and welcoming a new awareness (Christ-consciousness). When surrendered we are able to be vessels in service to God, our Creator and Source that lives in us and through us. Here is our greatest desire we have yet come to know. 

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Virtual Platform

Covenant Counseling Service, LLC is full service virtual practice. All sessions are performed via video or phone and scheduled through Simple Practice (online virtual office suite). We do offer concierge services (travel to your home) for an additional fee. 

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